h.Art - Artist encounters in home studios, pop up exhibitions & galleries. Your annual meet up with your favourite artists and opportunity to discover new artists and places you’ve never seen or been.
This year seek out more, feel inspired, browse, chat, make a purchase, discuss bespoke commissions, and indulge your creative self in workshops.128 of the 134 venues open all nine days between 11am - 5pm, some open earlier or close later. Look out for the big pink signs in all the nooks and crannies of Herefordshire, they include the map reference and venue name which correspond to the guide.
If you want to get creative yourself, see artists in action or listen to an expert, there is plenty of choice for all ages. Start planning for September now, you will find a downloadable guide and map at www.h-art.org.uk
“The variety of choice and contributions from the participants is exceptional, way better and beyond what one finds elsewhere. “ 2023 visitor
www.h-art.org.uk - is live all year and keeps you up to date, as well as helping you find out more about all the artists and venues involved. The home page will have any last-minute changes. The website also gives you lots more images and information about each artist, including their contact information if you need to get in touch before or after h.Art.
Additional Information
Admission / Ticket Info:
Admission FREE. No tickets needed. The majority of venues open every day between 11am - 5pm or more. A handful have less opening times - see h.Art details. https://www.h-art.org.uk/h.Art-Guide-2024.pdf
Disabled Access:
Access varies, access symbols for every venue are in the h.Art guide.
Disabled Facilities:
Facilities vary, facility symbols indicated for every venue, please see venue details in the h.Art guide.