Little Doward Wood (Woodland Trust)

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Part of the Wye Valley Woods, Little Doward is a large 82 hectare mixed broadleaf and conifer ancient woodland. It has numerous veteran oak and beech trees and forms part of the Wye Valley Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Upper Wye Gorge Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). The site also contains a Scheduled Monument Bronze Age hill fort known as Little Doward Camp which crowns the wood and provides spectacular views across the Wye Valley.
There is a way-marked trail and lots of other paths to explore around the hill and down to the River Wye. With an amazing array of cliffs, caves and stone walls that were also part of a huge 19th Century estate. Greater and lesser horseshoe bats roost in its limestone caves, and see if you can spot the nationally rare whitebeam tree growing on the rocky outcrops.
Access to the woods is by foot and the Woodland Trust does not permit cycling or horse riding within this wood. Some of the paths can be muddy in the winter or after heavy rain.
Entry Cost
Special Features
- Historical Interest
- Rural location
- Free entry
- Picnics welcome
- Free parking