Kat and Fiddle studio

Visit local landscape artist, Kathryn Moore, at her working studio to view her unique mixed media paintings. Her work reflects the colour and atmosphere of the scenery in and around the market town of Kington. Kathryn walks and sketches the hills and valleys of the area in order to recreate a sense of place in her paintings.
Landscape and architecture are the fundamental source of Kathryn Moore’s work; the light, colours, patterns and textures that combine to create a sense of place.
As a painter, and a mixed media artist, Kathryn explores both traditional and unconventional materials and applies these in inventive ways. Her rural upbringing taught her skills in crafts such as spinning, weaving, basketry and pottery, and importantly, an appreciation for the natural world.
Her works predominantly use materials that are readily available – true to the history of makers. Kathryn often uses combinations of manufactured found objects fashioned in conventional methods to create functional and visual art pieces, the origin of the materials being taken out of context and transformed.

Directions & Parking
37, Church Street